Dental Implants for Missing Teeth

Dental Implants for Missing Teeth

The absence of teeth greatly compromises an individual's life, as it makes the chewing process difficult and makes the appearance less pleasant, as the smile loses its harmony. Furthermore, people who suffer from tooth loss are unable to maintain their oral health.
To try to solve the problem of missing teeth, many people seek dental implants as a way to smile again. Dentists specialized in this type of oral rehabilitation use technological resources to restore the aesthetics of the patient's dental arch and, consequently, increase their self-esteem.

What are the most common causes of tooth loss?

Tooth loss affects the elderly more frequently, but it is a problem that can also appear in the lives of adults. Below we list some of the causes.

Excess sugar

Sugar is a component that, when used in large quantities, can cause serious complications in oral health and other parts of the body. Uncontrolled sugar intake favors the appearance of tooth decay and weakens tooth enamel. Additionally, citrus fruits and certain acidic foods can also cause tooth erosion.

Poor hygiene

This factor is one of the most important when it comes to tooth loss. Individuals who do not have the habit of brushing their teeth at least 3 times a day and flossing correctly contribute to the accumulation of tartar and other diseases that end up harming the teeth.

Diseases and accidents

Some diseases that affect our immune system — HIV, diabetes and respiratory problems — considerably increase the likelihood of tooth loss.
In accidents or more aggressive sporting activities, teeth can also be fractured, resulting in the individual having to seek medical assistance — often resorting to an implant.

Lack of regular dental follow-up

People need to understand that visits to the dentist must be made regularly, and not just when they feel pain or discover a problem. In this sense, it is important to see the dentist so that he can carry out a general oral evaluation, to find out if any procedures need to be carried out.

How is a dental implant performed?

The dental implant is performed in the dental clinic under the supervision of a dentist and requires local anesthesia. Before starting this procedure, the professional requests a series of exams, which allow a better visualization of the dental arch and bone structure, as well as additional exams to find out your general health and ensure a safer surgery.< a i=2> After this analysis, the implant can begin to be made. Therefore, the dentist will perform mouth antisepsis and apply an anesthetic to the area where the procedure will be carried out. If you need to extract a tooth, the professional will remove it. Next, you need to make a cut in the gum so that there is contact with the bone that will serve as the base for the implant. Finally, a small hole is made in the bone, so that it is possible to position the implant that will support the tooth. Once this is done, the procedure will be as successful as expected and the patient will return to quality of life.

When is a dental implant indicated?

The implant is recommended by a dental professional when the patient loses a tooth or when he urgently needs total oral rehabilitation due to deep cavities, trauma or periodontal diseases.

Many people think that the implant is only linked to aesthetics, but this is not true. This technique can help the patient with chewing, speaking and treating pain and disorders of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

What are the main benefits of dental implants?

The advantages of dental implants are many. The main ones are:

* the procedure prevents bone loss and gingival retraction;

* the dental implant is done in a single day — which greatly speeds up the process. healing and recovery process

* the patient does not need to suffer from the social embarrassment caused by the absence of teeth.

When you need implant dentistry services, look for clinics which have a team of qualified professionals who are ready to meet your needs.


Impact of Missing Teeth on Health