How Much Does Dental Bonding Cost


How Much Does Dental Bonding Cost?

Dental bonding is a dental reconstruction technique necessary to restore the correct shape to the teeth which have become deformed due to oral anomalies. Dental abnormalities can be related to the size, shape, and structure of the teeth and are usually caused by changes during a person's developmental stage. They can also be related to broken or chipped teeth due to trauma or accidents.


Dental anomalies can be different and can be caused by different factors that occur along the patient's growth path. Generally, these anomalies can relate to the shape, structure, size and number of teeth and can be described by various terms, including fusion, twinning, double tooth and twinning. Other dental problems that can be solved with a dental bonding treatment are all those anomalies that cause cavities on the teeth and require a filling through the application of a composite resin, as in the case of caries. The end cost of your bonding procedure will depend on what anomaly it is meant to fix. The more complicated your problem, the more expensive the treatment will be, in general.


In order to diagnose the presence of dental anomalies, a qualified dentist must proceed through an accurate inspection of the mouth to be able to understand what the problem is, its severity, and the cause that determined it. Through oral inspection, the dentist will be able to determine the problem and decide which type of treatment is most useful for solving the problem, also based on its severity.


What is dental bonding?


We often hear about dental reconstruction with dental bonding. Dental bonding is a painless and cheap dental technique used for aesthetic purposes to improve the presentation of the patient's smile. Specifically, it consists in the application of a composite resin on the patient's tooth to reconstitute the irregular shape of a tooth and restore color to now discolored teeth. In addition to fixing aesthetic issues with teeth, dental bonding is sometimes used as a substitute for traditional fillings.


The dental bonding procedure


The dental bonding procedure is divided into several steps, each of which is essential for the success of the treatment and to see the difference generated by the dental bonding before and after the treatment. This procedure is where you will incur costs as a patient, and again, that cost will depend on your particular situation and how intensive each step of your intervention is.

The basic steps of the bonding procedure are as follows:

* Preparation of the whole mouth and any imaging needed
* Etching of the tooth to prepare it to accept the composite material
* Application of the composite bonding material
* Drying with UV lights
* Polishing the final product


Dental bonding is inexpensive compared to other dental treatments. In general, for dental bonding, you can expect to pay anywhere from $100-$400 per tooth. The lower cost of bonding makes it a smart choice if you are on a budget, but please make sure you talk about the advantages and disadvantages to this procedure with your dentist. Dental bonding requires that you take very good care of your oral hygiene in order to maintain its strength and aesthetics. You can expect to have to redo your bonding every few years, even when great care is taken.


What is Dental Bonding